Monday, December 18, 2006

Have you neuter/spay your feline?

I've had my MiuMiu neutered a few years ago. Since he's the only male cat @my house, I didnt get Girl & BabyBonn spayed (oopss..Babybonn is about 5 years and shes a virgin!) ..

In case you are unsure about Neuter & Spay, here's some info about it.

"Female cats are spayed by removing their reproductive organs, and male cats are neutered by removing their testicles. In both cases the operation is performed while the pet is under anesthesia.

Depending on your pet's age, size, and health, he or she will stay at your veterinarian's office for a few hours or a few days. Depending upon the procedure, your pet may need stitches removed after a few days. Your veterinarian can fully explain spay and neuter procedures to you and discuss with you the best age at which to sterilize your pet."

WHy its GOOD to neuter/spay your pet?

  • Spaying and neutering helps cats live longer, healthier lives.
  • Spaying and neutering can eliminate or reduce the incidence of a number of health problems that can be very difficult or expensive to treat.
  • Spaying eliminates the possibility of uterine or ovarian cancer and greatly reduces the incidence of breast cancer, particularly when your pet is spayed before her first estrous cycle.
  • Neutering eliminates testicular cancer and decreases the incidence of prostate disease.

So, why wait..if you havent get this done, consult your vet now yaaa...
Meoooowssss!!! -signing off-


Anonymous said...

Ramai org takut berdosa pasal spay/neuter and kesian kat kucing...Tapi if a person really into cat he/she will know otherwise after doing research

MIUMIU said...

Yes Marjan, betul first mak i memang tak setuju..die kata kesian la, dosa la etc..but then, kalau nak kata kita sekat needs die nak 'mating', my cats still can do that..its just that my miumiu tak dpt nak produce sperm lagi. But well, I stay in condo, and my female cats dah produce more than 20 kittens (which I had to give them away! *sobsob*) .Drpd kite biarkan kittens2 tu jadi stray cats, baik kite controlkan production.. And it helps to keep your cat healthier too..