Saturday, December 16, 2006

Litterbox Tips

This is Miumiu's called Girl.

She's quite old already..about 6 years ++ . She's so forgetful nowadays..and very clumsy. I supposed this is due to her aging process, haha. She always pee in the kitchen/bathroom sink , poops in her foodbowl..and the list goes on (phew!) And yuppp...she hardly uses the LITTERBOX!

But here's some tips on Litterbox issue (regardless my Girl's case)

Place the litter box in a clean, relatively quiet and accessible location. Keep it away from high-traffic areas and be sure your cat has access to it any time she needs it. Be sure to keep the litter box out of reach of children as well as the other animals in the household.

Show kitty where it is. Place her in the box and let her sniff. Some people have found it useful to rake their fingers through the litter to show their cat what they want her to do.

If you have more than one cat, consider a separate litter box for each. Cats generally don't like to eliminate in the same place as other cats.

Keep the litter box clean. Scoop out soiled litter daily, and change the entire box every week, putting in fresh litter. You can wash out the box with a solution of water and vinegar to help reduce the odor, and then add a little baking soda to the litter itself. An inch and a half of fresh litter is usuall plenty.

Don't place her litter box near her food and water. Cats don't like to eliminate where they eat. (hmmm..but girl poops@foodbowl!)

Clean any accidents immediately. If kitty does have an accident, clean the area right away with a half and half solution of white vinegar and water. This will help to eliminate the odor and hopefully prevent kitty from returning to that spot.

Never punish your cat for having an accident. Do not strike her or rub her nose in the mess; Instead, firmly say "No!", then place her in her litter box and praise her there.

Hope this helps! Meooowsss


Anonymous said...

Miu Miu's momma is so cute..she looks so young..awet muda?hehe..

MIUMIU said...

Yes yes, very awet muda..perut nya still kempis like a virgin, ahaks!

Anonymous said...

my cats plak lain halnya. I got two one is name Maya and satu lagi Anna. I got 2 saperate litter box for them, satu besar and satu kecik. Dulu for some reason dua dua tu suka kencing kat yang litter box kecik tu.. so yang besar tu macam under utilize :D ..sekarang dah ok. Dia org just randomly pakai mana yang dia org hajat :p.. cat just rocks..!!

love Girl.. gambar macam tengah duduk in at your profile tu.. cool ajer