Friday, December 15, 2006

Understanding your cat's body language

On Patrol of Territory

  1. Perked ears indicate curiosity
  2. Tail provides balance
  3. Whiskers measure width
  4. Sebaceous glands secrete an oily substance with a distinct smell
  5. Paws planted firmly and confidently on the ground
  6. Paw pads act as shock absorbers

Ready To Take Action

  1. Tail acts as a counterbalance as center of gravity shifts forward
  2. Smooth body fur indicates confidence
  3. Forward ears show assertiveness
  4. Dilated pupils indicate excitement
  5. Concentrated expression
  6. Hind legs bent, ready for action

Relaxed and Content

  1. Each whisker is used for sensory perception
  2. Direct eye contact demonstrates trust
  3. Tail in relaxed position
  4. Slanted eyes indicate contentment
  5. Nose pad receptors
  6. Ears always attentive

Info source :

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice post:)